11. A company is managed by?

Correct! Wrong!

12. If common stock is issued for an amount greater than par value, the excess should be credited to?

Correct! Wrong!

13. Preliminary expenses are?

Correct! Wrong!

14. A document which contains the rules and regulations for the internal management of the company is called?

Correct! Wrong!

15. A company is formed by?

Correct! Wrong!

16. The word limited should be after the name of?

Correct! Wrong!

17. Debenture holders are the _____________ of company?

Correct! Wrong!

18. Debentures are also termed as?

Correct! Wrong!

19. Distribution of earning to the shareholder rest with board or directors, are called?

Correct! Wrong!

20. Discount on share is shown in the balance sheet as an?

Correct! Wrong!