Functional Budgets Problems and Solutions

Functional Budgets Unsolved Problems PDF Download

Problem # 1:

Following data are related to Naeem Sultan manufacturing Ltd. You are required to prepare sales budget?

Estimated Sales:

functional budgets


Sales Budget (in units and Rupees)

sales budget


Problem # 2:

Estimated sales percentages for the last three-month period of the coming year of the Abdul Sami Tariq Company:

budget example


Estimated unit sales at Rs. 5, 7 and 8 per unit in October, November and December respectively

Towns                              Units Sale

Mansehra ……………….…………220

Abbottabad                                 350

Balakot                                          180

Haripur                                           70

Total ……………………………..820


Requirements: An estimate of sales by units and Rupees for each of the last three months for each district and in total?



Sales Budget (in units and Rupees)

master budget


Problem # 3:

The Amna Tabbasum Hotel’s sales forecast for the next quarter, ending December 31st, indicates the following:


Product                                                                       Expected Sales

Snapper                                                                                 2,000 Units

Shrimp                                                                                   3,500

Pea                                                                                         5,200


Inventories at the beginning and desired quantities at the end of the quarter are as follows:

Product                                     October 1st                               December 31th  

Snapper                                        580 units                                        250 Units

Shrimp                                          160                                                  150

Pea                                                 130                                                  180


Requirement: A Production Budget in units for next quarter?




Production Budget (in units)

production budget

Problem # 4:

Following are date for Sara Qazi Company Budgets, you are required to prepare following budgets:

(a) An estimate of sales by Units and Rupee for each of the three Cities and in Totals

(b) Production Budget (in Units)                         (c) Direct Material Budget (in Units and amount)

sales forecast example


Estimated sales percentages for the three cities of the coming year of the company are:

budgeting sales


Estimated inventories at the beginning and desired quantities at the end of 2017 are:

sales sheet example


Estimated inventories at the beginning and desired quantities at the end of 2017 are:

sales sheet examples




Sales Budget (in units and amount)

sales budget example


Production Budget (in Units)

production budget template


Direct Material Budget (in Units)

direct materials budget


Problem # 5:

Gul Mohammad Incorporation prepared the following figures as a basis for its 2016 Budget:

monthly budget example


Estimated inventories at the beginning and desired quantities at the end of 2016 are:

budget example



  • Production Budget (in Units)
  • Material Purchase Budget (in Units and amount)




Production Budget (in units)

production budget solved example


Direct Material Budget (in units and amount)

direct materials budget

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