Accounting Basics MCQs

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 MCQs 1 to 10

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The two most common specialized fields of accounting in practice are?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following does not describe accounting?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following statement is true about purpose of accounting?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following provides information about the financial information’s, obligations and activities on the economic entity that is intended for use primarily by external decision makers?

Correct! Wrong!

Which one of the following statement completely and correctly describes accounting?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following user groups required the most detailed financial information?

Correct! Wrong!

How many approaches accounting has?

Correct! Wrong!

AAA stands for?

Correct! Wrong!

Accounting is the language of?

Correct! Wrong!

External reporting is the result of?

Correct! Wrong!

Accounting Basics MCQs (1-10)
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Excellent ***
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>> Read theory of Accounting Basics

MCQs 11 To 20

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Which of the following persons are most likely to use accounting information?

Correct! Wrong!

Accounting is an information and measurement system that does all of the following except?

Correct! Wrong!

The outcome of financial accounting is to?

Correct! Wrong!

Someone who uses accounting information is?

Correct! Wrong!

The controller's responsibilities are primarily in nature, while the treasurer's responsibilities are primarily related to?

Correct! Wrong!

Internal users of accounting information include all of the following except?

Correct! Wrong!

To understand and use accounting information in making economic decisions, you must understand?

Correct! Wrong!

External users of accounting information include all of the following except?

Correct! Wrong!

External users include all of the following except?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following groups use financial accounting information?

Correct! Wrong!

Accounting Basics MCQs (11-20)
Super Excellent ****
Excellent ***
Very Good **
Good *

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>> Further Reading Accounting Definition.


Awais, Q. M. (2009). Fundamental of Financial Accounting. (2nd, Ed.) Lahore: Waheed Publication.

Bazley, M., Hancock, P., Berry, A., & Jarvis, R. (2001). Contemporary Accounting. (4th, Ed.) UK: International Thomson Business Press.

Ghani, M. A. (1992). Principles of Accounting. (13th, Ed.) Lahore: Pak Imperial Book Depot.

Gupta, R. L., & Radheswamy, M. (2009). Advanced Accountancy (Vol. I & II). New Delhi: S Chand & Co.

Jain, S. .., & Narang, K. N. (2014). Advanced Accountancy. New Delhi: Kalyani Publishers.

Maheshwari, S. N., & Maheshwari, S. K. (2009). An Introduction to Accountancy. (10th, Ed.) New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

Maheshwari, S. N., & Maheshwari, S. K. (2009). Financial Accounting. (5th, Ed.) New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

Maheshwari, S. N., & Maheshwari, V. L. (2009). Advanced Accountancy (Vol. I & II). New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

Mukharji, A., & Hanif, M. (2003). Financial Accounting (Vol. 1). New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.

Narayanswami, R. (2008). Financial Accounting: A Managerial Perspective. (3rd, Ed.) New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India.

Porwal, L. S. (2001). Accounting Theory. New Delhi: Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.

Ramchandran, N., & Kakani, R. K. (2007). Financial Accounting for Management. (2nd, Ed.) New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.

Sehgal, A., & Sehgal, D. (n.d.). Advanced Accountancy (Vol. I & II). New Delhi: Taxmann Publication Pvt. Ltd.

Shukla, M. C., Grewal, T. S., & Gupta, S. C. (2008). Advanced Accountancy (Vol. I & II). New Delhi: S Chand & Co.

Weygandt, J. J., Kimmel, P. D., & Kieso, D. E. (2012). Accounting Principles (10th ed.). Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Williams, M., & Bettner, H. (1999). Accounting (The basic for business decisions). (11th, Ed.) USA: Irwin McGraw- Hill.



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  4. Thanks for sharing such an informative post with us. Accounting has become a crucial part of every business these days. With the help of accounting you can manage all your financial data, company’s record, etc.

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